Category Archives: Philosophy

Back to the Shack

..away for some training for a couple of days this week..I am really not used to being in the big city anymore and I was literally counting the hours down near the end. Big cities are (once again) nice places to visit but I don’t think I could ever live in one again. I have only seen 4 dogs here and 2 of those were owned by homeless people…I was downtown so I guess that is to be expected since most people are in condos and apartments. Not to mention how difficult it must be to track animals there. Hehe.  Our place is no mansion or anything but the silence speaks volumes…which reminds me, hunting season is almost’s getting old walking the dogs through the subdivision..back to the trails soon!



Posted by on November 25, 2011 in Philosophy


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Soil envy

My driveway goes right through an area where someone is removing dirt for fill. I was caught in a traffic jam earlier this week..and the whole area that was covered in brush is now removed and underneath is brown gold. Not sure where he got his mining tips from but the area underneath those little trees is maggoty with dirt…it is everywhere. I really want a bunch..I don’t even care is he bothers to make it into bars..I can just use it to fill in the dips and valleys..and bring up some big rocks..I dunno. No. I need to save my money, I want a shipping container.

Hehe. Looks like there was a burrow of some sort in one of the dug out other signs of life around there though.


The last shot is of a neighbor who flies. He is the dot in the sky which resembles a mosquito. When he streams overhead in his bright yellow plane he gives a tip of the wing to let you know he sees you waving.

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Posted by on July 8, 2011 in Construction, fun, Philosophy, todo


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there and back again

..on some of the other blogs I subscribe to I have read of issues with security and being broken into so I did not want to post about me being away for 8 days in a sunny destination down south.

Yes..offgrid and going south. With all of the issues we had over the last month a vacation was just what the doctor we went south and I filled up my prescription with beer, snorkelling and sun. I also wanted to go down because it would be a good chance for my 15 year old to see another side of the world that she has never seen before..the 3rd World and how it related to North American society. The resort..perfect..the beach..perfect. The surrounding areas..much different then what she was accustomed to. Where we have houses that are huge they have small simple buildings, where we have malls they have farmland and animals, where we have limitless possessions they have struggle and hard work for the basics. It’s not something she had ever really seen before and she was a little taken back..I could see the ‘..oh my God..’  look in her eyes when we entered into a city of 1.5 million that had goats grazing in the median in the middle of the city. We live in a society that takes so many things for granted it is many ways we are a spoon fed generation. There is a saying that I always think of with J*, ‘ can lead a horse to water but you cannot make her drink..’ and that is what I was trying to do with J*..I cannot force the fact into her head that she has everything she will ever need but I can help her open her eyes to the fact that the world is far from a perfect place.

It WAS a good reminder for A* and I too..we know our offgrid life is a challenge and sometimes we talk of doing something else but going to a place where everyone has to fight for everything they have it makes us appreciate having something modest of our own that many of them would consider a mansion. It’s not there yet but now that the holiday is over its back to a more regular schedule for work!

oh..and don’t get me wrong..the potential life lesson is an added learning bonus round..we needed the vacation more than anything else!

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Posted by on February 24, 2011 in Philosophy


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The Bunny Returns!

Follow!  But! follow only if ye be men of valor, for the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived!  Bones of four fifty men lie strewn about its lair. So, brave knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty big pointy teeth.”

..the mighty Tim..Whats he going to do nibble me bum?

Ahhhhh….run away!!!! ..watchout..there are wererabbits on my property.

Night vision..a werebunny...Don't worry..I have a pellet gun that shoots silver pellets and Jango has silver caps on his teeth.

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Posted by on November 23, 2010 in Animals, fun, Philosophy, Wildlife


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